Sunday, May 13, 2012

"Shop My Own Closet" project.

Have you ever told your spouse (or anyone), "Oh, I've had it for a while"?  Have you hidden boxes in the back of the closet, until you're alone to open them?  Or try to "intercept" and catch the packages before your spouse does?  Then you might know how I've felt.

It feels really great until I hit that "Confirm Order" button.  So many cute outfit possibilities!  How great I must feel in this new outfit!

Then, the consequences begin.  Shipping confirmations.  Debit card charged.  Boxes arrive every day.  I don't really remember all that I've ordered.  My closet is bursting at the seams.  I'm spending too much time preparing and tracking returns.

And all of this was stressing my husband.  Seeing new boxes every day made him sad.  Hurting him is absolutely the last thing I want to do.  I've decided - I need to put a stop to this.  Not just for my husband, but also to stop my cycle of momentary joy and self-loathing.

Hence, the "Shop My Own Closet" project.  I heard of this woman in Australia who set out not to shop for a year - by shopping her own closet. (Now she's made that into a business.)  I don't think I can do something *that* drastic, but I'm attempting to do something similar.

I will not shop for any clothing or shoes, until I have either worn or dealt with every single piece of clothing/shoes in my closet.  That is to say, if there is something in there, I have to figure out how I would work it into my current wardrobe, or if I don't wear it, I have to get rid of it.

In short, until I wear every single piece of clothing and shoes in my closet, I'm not allowing myself to buy anything. 

On top of the very full closet (←understatement), I have many clothes with tags still attached - this is a monumental task.

Since researches have shown going cold turkey is usually not the best way to go for addicts, I'm allowing myself some accessories within my "mad money" budget - like, belts that would make more outfits.  (We set aside the "mad money" budget each month to be used for anything we'd like.)

Each day I don't spend money on apparel, I get a star sticker on our calendar.

I decided to do this on May 10, and so far earned 3 stars.  Can I make it for a week?  We'll see...


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